Job Hunting = Fulltime Job

I woke up this morning SORE from the fit test! How crazy is that? If you’ve ever done an Insanity workout you will know that the fit test is practically a treat for this crazy-intense program. The fact that I was sore was slightly hilarious!

The day started with the usual breakfast (you might start to get tired of pictures of my oatmeal… because it’s always the same) of banana whipped oats topped with plain yogurt and blueberries – yum, yum! This might sound ridiculous to most people – but I sometimes go to bed at night excited to get up to eat oatmeal! Anyone else get this excited for breakfast?

This morning’s oatmeal mix:

  • 1/2 cup raw oats
  • 1/2 cup almond milk + 1/2 water
  • 1/2 banana
  • Topped with 1/2 yogurt + a handful of blueberries

As I was eating breakfast it occurred to me that the position I wanted to apply for with lululemon was posted six days ago – and none of their postings on their site have end dates…so I needed to get my resume into lululemon ASAP! I started panicking and rushed to one of my favourite coffee shops to review and submit it. All while this was going on I was thinking of how to make myself stand out for this social media position among the other applicants and then BAM the idea hit me! I need to show lululemon that I’m social media savvy and that I embody the lululemon brand – and don’t take my word for it – take all of yours!

Thus the idea for Goal: To be hired my lululemon came to life! If you haven’t seen it already please click the link and add your own comment to the page… all the details are in the post if you missed it! ;)

One of my favourite cafes at the moment (typically I have a favourite cafe… until I find a better one and then all loyalty is lost!) is called Calhoun’s. It’s on West Broadway and is open 24 hours! They have wonderful coffee, wireless internet and typically full of students or professionals working. It’s a great atmosphere and they have healthy food options :)

Seeing as I was there for almost FIVE hours planning and blogging – I had to have lunch there and chose the chicken wrap. It’s pretty healthy aside from the small amount of white rice mixed throughout and they grill it and make the cheese melt! Yum! As far as I can tell it’s full of grilled chicken, tomatoes, green and red peppers, bok choy, cheddar, rice, and salsa. Definitely my favourite wrap around.

I walked home just as it started to rain – don’t worry I had my trusty umbrella – and started chatting to people about my social media experiment to get lululemon to notice me. I had an easy snack of 1/2 of skim cottage cheese (SO healthy for you and low in calories and fat) a few carrots and three ryvita crackers dipped in my favourite: hummus + salsa mixed. Very low-calorie, low-fat but high nutrient mini-meal.

Time flew by and before I knew it I was rushing to squeeze in Insanity 2.2 (round 2, day 2)! It was the plyometric cardio circuit which isn’t too bad compared to some of the workouts so I knew that even though I was a little sore – I could do it. :)

Funny enough I actually got excited when the music started playing! I kicked plyo’s butt and sweated profusely (I sweat A LOT) but felt AMAZING that I accomplished that workout! The way I see it is, there’s no point in building up a sweat unless you are going to kick your butt. It’s my goal every time I work out to make the workout be as intense as possible! What other point is there than bringing your all every time? Think about it.

I made a wonderful veggie stir fry with broccoli, spinach, onions, mushrooms, zucchini and then added 1 egg + 2 egg whites to the mix to make it into a scramble and ate it with salsa and an Ezekiel english muffin. It looked (and tasted) wonderful but I got to talking to my wonderful housemate Jeyna and completely forgot to grab a photo! Remember I’m new at this and need to start getting into the habit of picture-taking for you all!

Now I’m exhausted and am falling asleep at the computer desk. Tomorrow shall be filled with many goal-oriented tasks I have no doubt about that – Night all!

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