Tag Archives: Kits Beach

The number 6.

Well it’s official – I’ve been in Vancouver for 6 months!

As of September 6th I will officially lived in Vancouver for 6 months. Tonight was a beautiful Vancouver evening so I put on my shoes, grabbed my shades and did one of my most favourite things in my neighbourhood – head out out for a walk. I wanted to capture the places around my neighbourhood that I’ve come to love since arriving here 6 months ago. So in the spirit of the number 6 – I’ve decided to reflect on my top 6 favourite places/things I’ve found over the past 6 months.

#1 – The Treehouse

I remember the first day I flew into this wonderful city – caught a cab – and landed on this front door step with my two bags in hand and had absolutely no sweet clue where I was or where I would be where I am today. It took me a mere three days to feel comfortable here and I know how fortunate I am to have found this place and the people who live here.

When I first arrived here at 2215 this path was made up of stones – we recently had the path paved and I wrote this into the wet cement so that even after I’m gone others will come and go as I have – and will feel welcome just like I did.

Just one block away is this gorgeous tree covered walk way that looks literally like it’s come out of a movie. I could honestly see myself walking up and down this pathway for years to come.

#2 – Whole Foods

Call me a dork – health freak – foodie – ridiculous – but one of the most exciting aspects about living where I do is that I’m only 9 blocks from my front door is a Whole Foods (or Capers)! For those of you who don’t know what Whole Foods is – it’s a grocery store that is full of all healthy, organic, fresh foods chalked full of clean eating food! I actually hate grocery shopping (shocking I know) but I love shopping at Capers.

#3 – Coffee

Best part about where I live is the abundance of delectable coffee on every corner, more specifically 49th Parallel. If you know anything about me (which if you are reading this I’m assuming you do!), good coffee is essential to my entire being. Give me a book – sit me in this coffee shop – buy me a non-fat latte and you’ll have found the key to my heart.

The staff are wicked, the atmosphere is amazing and look how cute it is!

Not to mention how amazing the coffee is.

#4 – Kits Beach

The one thing I forget to appreciate and complete take advantage of is the fact that Kits Beach – one of the best beaches in the entire world (actually) – is a 15 minute walk from my front door.

There are ALWAYS people at the beach – playing volleyball, basketball, running, sun tanning, BBQ-ing, eating at the Boathouse Restaurant, reading, enjoying each other’s company and even sleeping – at any point of the day.

Not to mention I’ve worked at this beach, layed in the sun for entire afternoons, sat in the sand reading a book, watched fireworks surrounded by thousands of people from the sand and the most amazing aspect above all else – watched the incredible sunsets countless times.

You can see English Bay and the West End from here as well – how beautiful is this?

I remember when I was watching the leaves on the trees grow and it feels like I’ve blinked my eyes and now they are already falling to the ground…

This is one of the most amazing points I’ve come across since exploring this neighbourhood… I always walk back here just to get a look at the incredible view.

#5 – The Parks and active lifestyle

Rosemary Brown Park might be tiny, might only have 2 swings and is barely used, but I love it. Whenever I’m there I feel like it’s my own private green space. Not to mention I have a new-found love for city parks… I’m not biased or anything…

One of the main reasons I moved to Vancouver was because of its above average active lifestyle. Vancouverites are conditioned from a young age to be active – its in their blood! With a mix of warm climate, active choice of past-time activities and the social-aspect of sports and activities, I came here to become immersed in one of the most important aspects of my life. I need to reach my personal fitness goals and if I am ever going to do it successfully – it’s going to be in Vancouver. Wait until you all see me at Christmas ;)

#6 – The streets

This is one of my favourite street corners – the corner of West Broadway and Vine. I love this corner for a few reasons – one that the coffee shop is basically the type of coffee shop (almost exactly) as I see myself owning in the future – and secondly the condos that are in this building are completely incredible!

I love my street. It’s so private but feels so lively at the same time.

 I feel like I’m walking home every time I come to the corner.

Oh, I have to mention I’ve eaten a whole lot of oatmeal…

Met a bunch of great people and eat a lot of wonderful sushi.

Just to think… only a year ago today I had just graduated from MSVU, moved back into my parents house while I decided what my next step was going to be in life and the idea of moving to Vancouver was just a pipe dream… If anything, these past 6 month just go to show that anything is possible in life.

If I can make a big move like this, start from nothing and leave everything in my life behind to follow my dreams – you can too. I don’t regret anything in the past 6 months – except maybe not moving here sooner. I’ve experienced so much in my last 6 months, have grown unbelievably as a person, fell into the life I dreamed about, learned a lot about myself and can’t wait to see what the next 6 months will bring.


Filed under Personal Records

Saturday Morning Routine

I woke up this morning remembering how much I miss my Saturday morning routine. Even when I was working at the restaurant until 12 or 1 am I would always woke up very early excited to get up early to meet my friend Kaylee! Saturday morning’s in Halifax consisted of some or a combination of things:

 Saturday Morning Farmer’s Market

You know there was coffee involved

(I miss Two If By Sea)

Morning workout at the Mount Gym

Shopping and walking around downtown Halifax!

Driving around the beautiful city

All that being said, I do truly love where I am in Vancouver. Starting Sunday, May 22nd there is going to be a Farmer’s market 2 blocks (literally) from my house! WAHOO! I cannot wait for this to start and have the fresh produce and freshly baked organic goods within stumbling distance!

On another note, last night I met up with Melissa from Indivine Visual Productions for a walk along Kits Beach! It was unbelievably beautiful out last night and there were LOTS of people out. Couples were walking hand in hand along the beach, friends were BBQ-ing and relaxing in the park area, guys were playing beach volleyball, families were riding their bikes and you better believe people were out running everywhere! It was so wonderful to chat with Melissa and take in the beautiful views that are only 13 blocks from my front door!

 After Insanity yesterday I made the best Green Monster I’ve had in a long time! Look how GREEN it is! Mmm the power of spinach!

Blend: 3 big handfuls of fresh spinach + 1 medium-sized banana + 1 cup of almond milk + 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder! YUM!

On Monday I start month two of INSANITY! I can’t believe how fast month one honestly flew by! I’m looking into designing a strict food plan and make sure I plan my meals ahead of time! When it comes to food planning we all know that “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” When you are busy you just grab what ever is convenient, and not what you know you should be eating. The way I see it is I already have the determination and self-control to do the workouts on a daily basis, I might as well make sure I get the very best results that I can out of month two!

In the meantime I’m thinking of looking into what you need to become a beach body coach. I figure that if I can push myself through the program (twice!) I might be able to help others who need that little push of inspiration to make it through too! Do you think you’d be more apt to stick to a workout program if you had someone to support and push you through? Thoughts?

It’s starting to get really sunny here today which is wonderful! I have so much on my to-do list + 1ooo other things I want to do. Time to get at it! Enjoy your weekend everyone!

What’s your favourite Saturday morning routine?


Filed under Personal Records