Tag Archives: Kettlebell

The secret to change and why you’re focusing on the wrong thing

I looked in the mirror this morning and noticed that the lower part of my back was missing a distinctive roll (okay, section of body fat) that I’ve had for YEARS. I mean this particular roll has been with me through two half marathons, a super Spartan Race and my kettlebell certification – and stubbornly been refusing to leave my body for y-e-a-r-s.

Unlike many things that leave our lives, this is one thing I’m not at all sad to see it go!

It’s sometimes hard to appreciate small successes when all you want to see are major results – but it’s really the small changes that add up to the big changes. It’s time we stop being hard on ourselves and put an end to ignoring the small wins!

When it comes to seeing results in many areas of my life, I’ve realised nothing worth having or sustaining comes easy. From your career to your relationships to your level of fitness – everything worth having takes time. When I get frustrated and feel like I should already have everything I’m working so hard for right now – my Dad always brings me back to reality and teases me by saying, “you have to put your time in Amanda – you aren’t going to be a  CEO overnight.” He’s right and I’ve realized that this advice also transfers over to my fitness goals.

IMG_2495IMG_2493(Current shots.. something I NEVER share on my blog.. but I need to start celbrating my successes and not just talking about them!)

Instead of focusing on the scale or on my waistline – I focus on my strength gains as a way to measure my success. Sure, it’s frustrating when my pants aren’t getting any looser after I’ve been eating clean for months and I literally work out 6-days a week… but when I can push press 2-24kg kettlebells overhead (something I’ve never been able to do) – that’s a small, but mega, success to me!

When I can do 20 burpees without stopping where as I only used to be able to do 10-12… that’s a major success.

It’s so important to give credit to the small wins. The pyramids weren’t built in one day, multi-million dollar companies didn’t reach success overnight, and fitness models don’t look like this:

Camille-Leblanc-Bazinet(Crossfit competitor, Camille Leblanc-Bazinet)

in 90-days. They put in many hours of relentless training and hard work. They don’t “cheat” on their clean diets or need to indulge in alcohol every weekend because they “had a hard week.” They are dedicated, disciplined and consistent in every aspect of their lives.

People ask me why I’m doing a 90-day challenge? I’m “already fit” and “already eat strictly” and I’d have to agree with some of that – but we are all a work in progress and I have goals I haven’t reached yet. You need to make change to see change. Whether your goal is to cut fast-food from your diet, stop eating that little bit of chocolate every day, to lose 10 pounds or to lose 100 pounds – everyone needs to start somewhere. That somewhere is making a consistent change that you haven’t made before – and sticking to it!

And while you think someone who has 10 pounds they want to lose has it “easier” than the person who wants to lose 100 pounds – you are wrong. Change and success might be measured differently by different people – but all come down to making lasting changes that you can stick to – and keep building on those new changes.


No matter where you are right now, choose some kind of change – even just a small change – that you can implement in your life and trust the process.

Some suggestions on how to keep yourself accountable to your goals:

  • Make it public – if you tell all your friends, family and even strangers, you will be more apt to stick to your plan.
  • Write out your plan – from a vision board, to blogging, to writing it down – make sure you have your plan in clear view on a daily basis.


  • Find a partner in crime – find a friend, family member or co-worker who you can do a challenge with. It will cause you both to be more accountable and add a little bit friendly competition – which always conjurers up motivation!
  • Follow a plan – there are SO many places to find help and plans. From free workouts, to structured diet plans to professionals to help quit addictions – there is always someone out there who has just experiences the exact same struggle you currently face. Go find out how they did it!
  • Stop self-doubting – the biggest obstacle most of us face is ourselves. Let’s face it – that little voice inside your head that tells you not to get out of bed in the morning or to skip that workout you planned to go to – is your highest barrier for success. Don’t listen to it!

If you create a plan, trust the process and stay focused, I guarantee you will see a change. Commit yourself to making change and remember to celebrate the small changes, because you might as well enjoy the process, it will make reaching your goals that much richer.

Need motivation to get you out of bed in the morning? Here’s what I use:

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Filed under 90-Day Challenge, Positive Reinforcement

Fitness Goal: Certified Kettlebell Instructor

Big news! I officially passed the Level 1 Agatsu Kettlebell Instructor Certification!


It was a grueling 17 hours of training – but I learned so much in that short period of time, it was incredibly useful.

Day one:

The first day consisted of Shawn going through the two-handed swing, the one-handed swing, the clean, the clean and press, the snatch, the windmill and a bit of the turkish getup. It all ended with an insane workout… if you’ve been introduced to any extreme kettlebell circuits before… you’ve probably experienced it.

I won’t give it away if you are going to do it because its better if you don’t know ahead of time. It sucks. Big time.

Day two:


We started with the jerk (not in the final test), more of the Turkish getup and proceeded to refine all the other skills that were touched upon the day before.

Even though I worked my butt off, ripped my hands open and focused on nothing else but perfect form and giving it all I had – I know now there’s still so much more for me to learn than I imagined before.

I’ve obtained the skills to help teach others how to effectively use the kettlebell as a training tool.. but more importantly I’ve learned that the level of fitness I aspire to – requires much more than the ability to swing a kettlebell properly.

I realize it’s only a tool in the toolbox and there are so many others I have yet to perfect. This certification was “the end goal” when I was working toward it. I now realize it’s only the beginning.

What’s life if you don’t constantly set, achieve and then set new goals?

I’m ready to start teaching others the power and effectiveness of incorporating kettlebells into their fitness regimen – send me an email, tweet or comment if you’re interested in learning more and aren’t sure where to start!


Filed under Personal Records