Tag Archives: Crossfit

Need motivation?

I’m not sure if it’s the new year resolution buzz – but everyone seems to be looking for motivation to get active lately. After taking entire week to recover from my vacation at home for the holidays (seriously it took my 7 whole days to feel normal!), last week I was back into my routine full force. I needed a stress reliever and the only thing I’ve found that truly lessens my stress – or increases it if I skip my workouts – is fitness. For all you fitness goers, I’m sure you can appreciate how important having a regular workout regime is for your personal well-being (inside and out) and if you are anything like me, setting goals and challenges is what keeps you moving!

(Side note: I am NOT perfect, no I do not workout everyday – but I aim to 4-6 days a week consistently.)

In the true new years fashion I have decided to set myself some 2012 goals… and it just so happens that for a number of very interesting and influential reasons I have dubbed 2012: the year of fitness! I’m feeling really motivated to get my hands (and feet, and arms, and legs – you get the picture) dirty and face my fitness goals head on! I figure why not make them vocal so I can keep focused, motivated and hold myself accountable to ensure I achieve them.

My goals in no particular order:

  • Do a 30-day hot yoga challenge
    Totally doable, I love hot yoga, I’m in the yoga capital of Canada and I need if for my body and soul. 
  • Train for and run a half-marathon
    If you missed my entire explanation behind this BAHG (<- Big, audacious, hairy goal) see here. 
  • Learn to paddle and/or kayak
    Lets be honest. I, have huge shoulders for a woman and I’ll be damned if I don’t put them to use! 
  • Do Crossfit
    Crossfit is me, through and through. Incase you have no idea what crossfit is, let me enlighten you :) Here, here and my favourite one:

As the next few weeks pan out, so will my plans for all of these. Stay tuned.

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If this wasn’t already enough goodness and motivation packed into one post, what else is this blog good for…healthy recipes! When I was home for Christmas, a friend of mine called me out for my lack of blogging and that she really loved seeing what I ate… so this Crystal, is for you :)

Quinoa Pancakes


  • 1/2 cup cooked plain quinoa
  • 1 egg (or the equivalent in egg whites)
  • 1 banana (or any kind of fruit!)
  • 1/2 cup of your favourite yogurt (0% plain greek is my suggestion!)

Since this was my post-workout meal and dinner. I doubled the typical serving size.

Step 1: mix cooked quinoa and eggs

Step 2: pour mixture into oiled frying pan and cook at medium-high heat.

Step 3: lift edges to make sure it cooks evenly and without sticking.

Step 4: once you’ve flipped it and completely cooked both sides it should look like this (minus the falling apart bits). Now you can top it with whatever you prefer and enjoy!

Bon appetit!

The recipe is really that easy and in it you have three of the healthiest forms of protein you can get… besides avocado, seafood, nuts and lean meats of course ;) Quinoa is hands down one of my favourite foods, I use it in everything! Stirfrys, soups, baked goods, in the form of pancakes, and often a replacement for wheat, rice, oatmeal and more! Dying to know more about this super food, read here.

Alright, let’s hear them – what are your 2012 fitness goals?

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Filed under Positive Reinforcement

Let me show you what I can do

Have you ever wanted something so badly that, ever though you thought knew you were capable of it, you were terrified to start?

You know you have the drive, determination and discipline to reach that goal, but have no idea how to get there?

I’ve held a personal challenge that I keep telling myself I will try once I get  “there.” There, is a fitness goal that is not defined by a scale, but rather by subtle differences noticeable only to myself and my mirror. So getting “there”  all depends on how I see that person staring back at me in the mirror.

A friend of mine recently reminded me of this challenge and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head… the thought of pushing myself to the complete edge is exciting and terrifying all at the same time… and yet I want it.

The Challenge: Crossfit

The passion that Camille LeBlanc- Bazinet eludes for crossfit is exactly the kind of approach I take any type of fitness challenge… I like crazy fitness and pushing myself to the limit to find out what I can do. I really should have been an extreme sports enthusiast when I was younger – I’m too reasonable now to start. Crossfit however, is the way of life I could see myself leading…

I know I keep preaching to find what it is you want and to go after it – stop sitting around watching time go by – but even I find it hard to find the courage and determination to stay focused.

I can promise you one thing, I will get to that point, I will walk through the crossfit doors and I will push myself harder than I’ve ever pushed myself before.

Now I just need to figure out where to begin… I want to walk though those crossfit doors and say: “Let me show you what I can do.”

Any crossfitters out there have any advice/support of where and how I should begin?


Filed under Personal Records