Tag Archives: Appreciation

One Saturday Morning

Saturday morning is most definitely my favourite time of the week!

For as long as I can remember Saturday morning bliss has been some of my favourite memories. It all started way back when I would get up early to watch “one Saturday morning” cartoons! Does anyone else remember how amazing it was? I can still remember the theme song in my head :) As I got older Saturday mornings consisted of meeting friends for shopping or going to the beach – and now turned into early morning workouts, coffee shops, markets and lunch dates.

There’s something about getting up early, working out and having the entire day to do WHATEVER I want! On that note- I had one of those amazing mornings this morning! I got up early this morning to meet a friend of mine and bus downtown to the gym at his work .. To do Insanity! It’s so awesome to workout with someone who has the same drive and ability (ok so maybe he had the upper hand because we did a deluxe workout that I don’t have!) and wants to push themselves to the extreme :)

After we worked out (I can already feel it in my arms and back!) we grabbed some chocolate milk and headed back home through the city. The best part about this was that it was raining and since I was already sweaty – the rain felt amazing! I got some groceries and as I was walking home it started absolutely down pouring. So what did I do? Let it pour on me as I walked home.. My jacket needed washing anyway. Even better- every single person I passed smiled at me as they walked or drove by. Why? Because I was enjoying getting drenched and in some twisted way I think they realized that and it also made them happy.

Last night Faith and I met for dinner and a movie downtown. I love hustle and bustle (especially the after work drinking crowd!) and the vibe on the sunny Friday was so cheerful. As we were taking the bus home we saw a guy who was physically challenged (both of his arms were missing) and he was on the bus alone – heading somewhere with a backpack. It really made me think about how fortunate and lucky I am. I have so many good things in my life and it reminded me to truly appreciate every little thing in it. It’s not perfect- no one had the perfect life- but it’s mine and I get to choose what I do with it.

What do you appreciate about your life?

My favourite part of the entire evening was walking home with Faith along one of the main streets. We hit up chapters (our favourite store in the world), shoppers and a little cafe – then passed this cute little flower shop that literally made us stop in our tracks.





Now I’m drinking a latte at my favourite coffee shop and blogging from my iPhone (I love that I can do this so easily!).


I love the point I’m in right now in my life at this exact moment. I’m starting to get used to my city, getting adjusted to my job (and am SO excited for what is to come with it), working out and eating healthy and appreciating every moment of it. Even though I feel like I’ve already achieved so many of my goals, I’m setting bigger and better ones already. The funny thing about goals is – once you achieve them you just set new ones and the process starts all over again!

Most of all, I feel like I’m starting to find myself and be comfortable with me. I don’t know what’s in store for me next, but all I know is it’s going to be good, really, really good. When you are comfortable with yourself there’s no stopping your potential for greatness.

Whatever it is that you want to do – do it. Set that goal, plan your route and work your butt off for it.


Filed under Positive Reinforcement

Small Appreciations

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you are taking the day to do what-ever-you-want (unless you are working)! What am I doing might you ask? Sitting in a coffee shop for the morning/afternoon working on my blog/resume/job applying and re-organizing! Sounds dry I know… but I love this atmosphere and I’m actually excited to get things done.

Before I get ahead of myself I have to admit something. I had a small glass of red wine last night… and it was awesome! I told myself that I would be strict with my food and beverage intake during Insanity 2.0… but even I have to live! And I don’t feel the least bit guilty about it either.

Whew! Ok now that I have that off of my chest, I will quickly show you the food line up from yesterday and get to the main point of my post! Breakfast banana whipped oats with yogurt (ran out of blueberries!)  Lunch was a turkey sandwich and a non-fat vanilla latte (I realized that I’m so used to the bitter taste of black coffee and plain lattes that I couldn’t even drink it… I gave it to Faith lol). I also munched on a small oatmeal and raisin bar before rushing home to tackle Insanity 2. 12 – Cardio Power & Resistance! Faith and I have yet to actually go out to dinner since she’s arrived – so we got ready to head out downtown for dinner and a movie!

Once we got Downtown we decided on a bar and grill close to the theatre called Joey Burrard.

It was beautiful inside – really impressive actually and the hostesses and staff were wonderful :) Faith got a mixed vodka drink and I had a modest but punch-packing (I haven’t had alcohol in weeks people!) glass of Cab/Merlot. Dinner was a wrap for Faith and I huge chicken + strawberries + walnuts + goat cheese + quinoa + greens salad for me.

We had some time to kill before the Source Code started so non-fat latte time it was (I didn’t actually have one yet today because I couldn’t drink it – so I was allowed).

You know you are in a BIG city when the girl who ripped our tickets said “theatre 5 – two floors up and to your right.” TWO FLOORS UP?? Yes folks this cineplex consisted of three levels of theatres – massive escalators and everything! The movie was excellent! Very thought-provoking and attention-grabbing… plus it has Jake Gyllenhaal in it therefore it was hard to take your eyes off the screen (he is a very attractive male after all)!

Even though it was very futuristic, although has some kind of scientific truth to it I’m sure, this movie really made me appreciate my life a lot more after watching it. I don’t want to give anything away so you will have to see it to understand what I mean.

Suggestion of the day: Take a few moments to reflect on your life and realize how lucky you truly are.

Now stop letting the little things bring you down and complaining about how much “your life sucks” and realize you are alive and can accomplish whatever you want with your life. So get up and start something you’ve been putting off! There’s no time like the present people!

On that note, time for me to re-vamp my resume and keep working on my online presence! If I’m going to achieve big things I’ve got to start with the little things!


Filed under Personal Records