Tag Archives: Rain

One Saturday Morning

Saturday morning is most definitely my favourite time of the week!

For as long as I can remember Saturday morning bliss has been some of my favourite memories. It all started way back when I would get up early to watch “one Saturday morning” cartoons! Does anyone else remember how amazing it was? I can still remember the theme song in my head :) As I got older Saturday mornings consisted of meeting friends for shopping or going to the beach – and now turned into early morning workouts, coffee shops, markets and lunch dates.

There’s something about getting up early, working out and having the entire day to do WHATEVER I want! On that note- I had one of those amazing mornings this morning! I got up early this morning to meet a friend of mine and bus downtown to the gym at his work .. To do Insanity! It’s so awesome to workout with someone who has the same drive and ability (ok so maybe he had the upper hand because we did a deluxe workout that I don’t have!) and wants to push themselves to the extreme :)

After we worked out (I can already feel it in my arms and back!) we grabbed some chocolate milk and headed back home through the city. The best part about this was that it was raining and since I was already sweaty – the rain felt amazing! I got some groceries and as I was walking home it started absolutely down pouring. So what did I do? Let it pour on me as I walked home.. My jacket needed washing anyway. Even better- every single person I passed smiled at me as they walked or drove by. Why? Because I was enjoying getting drenched and in some twisted way I think they realized that and it also made them happy.

Last night Faith and I met for dinner and a movie downtown. I love hustle and bustle (especially the after work drinking crowd!) and the vibe on the sunny Friday was so cheerful. As we were taking the bus home we saw a guy who was physically challenged (both of his arms were missing) and he was on the bus alone – heading somewhere with a backpack. It really made me think about how fortunate and lucky I am. I have so many good things in my life and it reminded me to truly appreciate every little thing in it. It’s not perfect- no one had the perfect life- but it’s mine and I get to choose what I do with it.

What do you appreciate about your life?

My favourite part of the entire evening was walking home with Faith along one of the main streets. We hit up chapters (our favourite store in the world), shoppers and a little cafe – then passed this cute little flower shop that literally made us stop in our tracks.





Now I’m drinking a latte at my favourite coffee shop and blogging from my iPhone (I love that I can do this so easily!).


I love the point I’m in right now in my life at this exact moment. I’m starting to get used to my city, getting adjusted to my job (and am SO excited for what is to come with it), working out and eating healthy and appreciating every moment of it. Even though I feel like I’ve already achieved so many of my goals, I’m setting bigger and better ones already. The funny thing about goals is – once you achieve them you just set new ones and the process starts all over again!

Most of all, I feel like I’m starting to find myself and be comfortable with me. I don’t know what’s in store for me next, but all I know is it’s going to be good, really, really good. When you are comfortable with yourself there’s no stopping your potential for greatness.

Whatever it is that you want to do – do it. Set that goal, plan your route and work your butt off for it.


Filed under Positive Reinforcement

Rainy Day Blues

When is this rain going to endddd?


According to several locals, this spring has been the rainiest spring in 40 years! I’m not one to openly complain – but PLEASE Mother Nature let the sun come out! I want to see the mountains behind North Van, be able to walk outside without my umbrella and smell the beautiful flowers. I also want to not feel closed in and miss out on the wonderful landscape Vancouver has to offer.

So, please Mother Nature – I beg you to let the clouds clear and let the sun shine down on beautiful Vancouver! (I hope this works!)

On another note: I have officially completed Insanity 2.49 (round 2, day 49) or seven of nine weeks! 

Time is literally zooming by and before I know it I will be moving on to my next fitness goal (TBA depending on several factors… I will keep you all updated)! It is insane how much my fitness has improved and how slimed out my core is getting… I am SO CLOSE to reaching my goal. Today I tackled Max Cardio Conditioning and I noticed a huge improvement in how far I could push myself. You will be proud of yourself and see huge results in your body if you stick to the plan: Insanity works!

If you need some extra encouragement or have any questions feel free to contact me!

This weekend has been full of anxiousness and uncertainty. I’m literally all over the place with work options and I’m hoping things will finally fall into place this week. Since last weeks’ craziness of the lululemon Internship application plus working with We Make Stuff Happen and starting at a new restaurant… I’ve barely had time to breathe. However, through all of this craziness it’s really allowed me to appreciate how far I’ve come, the people who have gotten me here and the possibilities that lay ahead. I’m glad I am busy but crave that steady income and routine. It’s close – I can feel it!

I’ve taken a serving job at a really busy restaurant on Kits beach to fill the financial gaps for the next few months while my life goals fall into place. Unfortunately, money runs the world and we can’t live without money. If I had it my way I would live within reasonable means and only make enough to live… but bills add up and most of the time we need more money than we would ideally like to make. Depending on the outcomes of several job opportunities, my summer could go into two very different directions. Without sounding too overly excited… I REALLY hope I’m chosen for the lululemon internship, but I’m prepared to fall into a different path and very lucky to be able to have a few backup plans already in place if I don’t. Sometimes you just need to appreciate how far you’ve come and keep calm and carry on.

I will let you all know once I know!

My favourite part of my day: This delicious latte from 49th Parallel:

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and are starting to get excited for the summer! I plan on doing a lot of BC road trips and starting to knock a few things of my bucket list!

Do you have any trips or big events planned for the upcoming summer? I need some ideas!


Filed under Personal Records