Tag Archives: Canucks

Halifax and Back Again!

 I’m backkk! In case you need to catch up, I went home to Halifax for the weekend for my friend’s wedding! Congratulations Angela and Kyle! Not only did I fly across the entire country and back for the wedding… but I was in the wedding! I was honoured when Angela asked me to be a bridesmaid and knew moving out to Vancouver a mere three months ago – I would be back to Halifax either way. The wedding was absolutely wonderful and Angela looked gorgeous in her wedding gown (I’m working on getting pictures!).

Upon arriving at the airport we got a sight of the Canuck pride from YVR and I had to share! (I cannot wait for the game tomorrow night!) The flight to Halifax was surprisingly short because I met a new friend (Hi Taylor!) and we chatted the entire way! I love meeting new people (in case you haven’t picked up on that one yet) and hearing their passions and goals in life while getting the background history of how they’ve reached this moment in their lives. I watched the sun rise as we were flying over the Maritimes and once I got into Halifax it was time to get at it!

The first thing I noticed when I stepped outside of the airport was how humid and dense the air is here! I felt almost as if I couldn’t breathe as well in Nova Scotia because of the thick the air is. It is very weird that there is such a huge difference – that being said I’ve gained an even better appreciation for Vancouver. I rushed home to get rid of my bags and headed to my favourite spot in the world: Two if by Sea Cafe! A TIBS latte was one of the top 5 reasons for coming back to Halifax!

(Notice the 49th parallel mug? Coincidence? I think not!)

I visited some of my very best friends and headed off to the wedding rehearsal and then off to see my Jack’s family for the night! I have to just mention that the people at Jack Astor’s are like family to me. Even though I only worked there for a year (it seems like SO much longer than that), I had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with some pretty amazing people. If I could pick up the restaurant with all of you in it and move it to Vancouver – it would be a dream come true! Although it was tough leaving them all when I decided to move 3 months ago… it’s like nothing even changed when I walked in to visit. That’s how you know you have a truly wonderful group of people to call your friends.

Saturday was the wedding and what a magical day it was… pictures to come!

That being said, I have to admit that I completely messed up my last week of Insanity. Last Wednesday I got off track because I literally worked from 7am-12am with a slight transition in between. I’m not complaining or trying to make excuses… but I messed up and was too exhausted to work out – which then affected Thursday… which also resulted in no Insanity. As I was coming home Thursday evening I rushed to get work done and pack… thus resulting in no Insanity. Friday… was nutso… and then Saturday – the day of the wedding I squeezed in Insanity in the morning because I felt awful that I had let myself slack for 3 days straight! I’m so glad I did because I felt SO much better and less nervous because I had made sure to get my workout in. After this mini vacation (and workout slacking fest…) I have to not let myself be disappointed because what’s done is done! Sometimes your body could use the rest and as long as you stay focused and get right back on track – you don’t have to worry about falling completely off track because it’s all about balance!

Now it’s time to get back to it! I fully plan on getting right back on track tomorrow! I will start with Max Interval Circuit and power though the last 5 days!

So what after Insanity you might ask? I’ve been struggling to figure out what my next goal will be (I never stay with one form of fitness for very long haha) – and I truly feel a combination of running and yoga is in my near future.

I’ve had this lululemon water bottle since Christmas (a good friend of mine gave it to me as a gift!) but have yet to set concrete goals on it. Coming back to Vancouver after this past weekend to many exciting things – I felt the time to write on it is now. I’ve achieved many goals to reach the point right now – and it’s time to assess, alter and set some new ones! So here are my BAHG’s (big, audacious, hairy goals):

To sum up my weekend I have decided to compile the Top 5 things I miss about Halifax:

  1. My car. Poor Indy has been sitting un-driven for THREE months! I thought it would be weird to get behind the wheel again but realized immediately that you never forget how to drive a car – especially your car. I have to admit that I miss driving… but I’m doing just fine without it in Vancouver! The transit system is amazing and the climate and location allows for most people to get around on foot/bike/scooter really easily!
  2. My bed. Ughhhh I miss my wonderfully huge, ultra comfy, causes happiness upon sleeping on, bed. I’m one of those people who can literally sleep an-y-where… but ugh it’s sitting there not being slept in :(
  3. My friends. This goes without saying – but I just wanted to point out that I’m so grateful for every single one of you and the support you constantly give to help me through this new chapter in my life. Even though it’s hard to leave people behind – I have to live my life the way I want to live it. You learn who your true friends are in these types of situations.
  4. Familiarity and knowing. Don’t get me wrong – I feed off of change… but it’s also comforting to know your way around a city and be familiar with every single aspect of it.
  5. My cat. I miss my cat Charlie :(


Until we meet again Nova Scotia!

What do you love the most about your home city?

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Filed under Personal Records

Guest Blog Post!

Happy Thursday!

Do you know what today is (and no not “April 28th”)? It’s the Canuck’s first game in the second round playoffs vs. Nashville, one day away from the Royal Wedding and the day I was featured in the Marketing Dangerously blog!

First thing’s first! Jonathan from We Make Things Happen asked if I wouldn’t mind being featured on his and Neil Godin’s, The Marketing Dangerously Social Media Challenge Blog – and I said of course not! Check out the post:
Today’s Challenge: Use social media to enter a brand new market!

Social media presence is vital when it comes to business success – if you are in need of some guidance check out Jonathan’s great course on Social Media 101 – > HERE. Trust me it’s worth every penny and perfect for newbies! I went through it so if you have any questions feel free to contact me!


William and Kate: The Royal Wedding!

Click for Credit

I know there has been a lot of hype about the Royal Wedding and annoying or not – I’m excited :) We are experiencing a moment in history so we might as well soak it all in. FYI coverage starts at midnight PST – so I’m probably going to watch some before I sleep and catch the replay once I wake up. If you want to follow the Royal Wedding you can watch it live on The Offical Royal You Tube Channel and for you tweeters you can follow @BBCRoyalWedding or @royalweddingcnn.

 On a personal note, these past few days have been insanely busy for me! I feel overwhelmed with the amount of call backs and opportunities that are starting to fall into my lap. It’s time to weigh the pros and cons of each opportunity and persue the ones that I feel will be the most beneficial for my career (and sanity!).

Time to get some work done, get Insane (aka. workout with Insanity) and watch Game 1!

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Filed under Personal Records