Monthly Archives: April 2011

Saturday Morning Routine

I woke up this morning remembering how much I miss my Saturday morning routine. Even when I was working at the restaurant until 12 or 1 am I would always woke up very early excited to get up early to meet my friend Kaylee! Saturday morning’s in Halifax consisted of some or a combination of things:

 Saturday Morning Farmer’s Market

You know there was coffee involved

(I miss Two If By Sea)

Morning workout at the Mount Gym

Shopping and walking around downtown Halifax!

Driving around the beautiful city

All that being said, I do truly love where I am in Vancouver. Starting Sunday, May 22nd there is going to be a Farmer’s market 2 blocks (literally) from my house! WAHOO! I cannot wait for this to start and have the fresh produce and freshly baked organic goods within stumbling distance!

On another note, last night I met up with Melissa from Indivine Visual Productions for a walk along Kits Beach! It was unbelievably beautiful out last night and there were LOTS of people out. Couples were walking hand in hand along the beach, friends were BBQ-ing and relaxing in the park area, guys were playing beach volleyball, families were riding their bikes and you better believe people were out running everywhere! It was so wonderful to chat with Melissa and take in the beautiful views that are only 13 blocks from my front door!

 After Insanity yesterday I made the best Green Monster I’ve had in a long time! Look how GREEN it is! Mmm the power of spinach!

Blend: 3 big handfuls of fresh spinach + 1 medium-sized banana + 1 cup of almond milk + 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder! YUM!

On Monday I start month two of INSANITY! I can’t believe how fast month one honestly flew by! I’m looking into designing a strict food plan and make sure I plan my meals ahead of time! When it comes to food planning we all know that “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” When you are busy you just grab what ever is convenient, and not what you know you should be eating. The way I see it is I already have the determination and self-control to do the workouts on a daily basis, I might as well make sure I get the very best results that I can out of month two!

In the meantime I’m thinking of looking into what you need to become a beach body coach. I figure that if I can push myself through the program (twice!) I might be able to help others who need that little push of inspiration to make it through too! Do you think you’d be more apt to stick to a workout program if you had someone to support and push you through? Thoughts?

It’s starting to get really sunny here today which is wonderful! I have so much on my to-do list + 1ooo other things I want to do. Time to get at it! Enjoy your weekend everyone!

What’s your favourite Saturday morning routine?


Filed under Personal Records

Guest Blog Post!

Happy Thursday!

Do you know what today is (and no not “April 28th”)? It’s the Canuck’s first game in the second round playoffs vs. Nashville, one day away from the Royal Wedding and the day I was featured in the Marketing Dangerously blog!

First thing’s first! Jonathan from We Make Things Happen asked if I wouldn’t mind being featured on his and Neil Godin’s, The Marketing Dangerously Social Media Challenge Blog – and I said of course not! Check out the post:
Today’s Challenge: Use social media to enter a brand new market!

Social media presence is vital when it comes to business success – if you are in need of some guidance check out Jonathan’s great course on Social Media 101 – > HERE. Trust me it’s worth every penny and perfect for newbies! I went through it so if you have any questions feel free to contact me!


William and Kate: The Royal Wedding!

Click for Credit

I know there has been a lot of hype about the Royal Wedding and annoying or not – I’m excited :) We are experiencing a moment in history so we might as well soak it all in. FYI coverage starts at midnight PST – so I’m probably going to watch some before I sleep and catch the replay once I wake up. If you want to follow the Royal Wedding you can watch it live on The Offical Royal You Tube Channel and for you tweeters you can follow @BBCRoyalWedding or @royalweddingcnn.

 On a personal note, these past few days have been insanely busy for me! I feel overwhelmed with the amount of call backs and opportunities that are starting to fall into my lap. It’s time to weigh the pros and cons of each opportunity and persue the ones that I feel will be the most beneficial for my career (and sanity!).

Time to get some work done, get Insane (aka. workout with Insanity) and watch Game 1!

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Filed under Personal Records