Tag Archives: Photo Shoot

Gastown-Yaletown-Granville Island

If this isn’t a more geographically-relevant post of Vancouver I don’t know what is!

At this moment I’m actually sitting in a cute little coffee shop in Kitsilano (my stomping grounds!) drinking some wonderful coffee (dark french roast) and getting some work done.

I’m sorry I didn’t post last night – I was crazy busy and decided to squeeze in Insanity 2.11 (I’m including the “days off” in my counts by the way) Cardio Recovery instead of blogging… forgive me?

So the exciting thing I have to share with you all is that Faith edited some pictures from the shoot in Gastown a few days ago! YAY! They are wonderful and here is a sample for you all:




Check out the rest of the shots here and like her facebook page while you’re at it!

Watch out people – this girl has got talent and big things are coming!

Food wise – yesterday was great! It started with breakfast early in the AM before heading to Urban Fare in Yaletown to meet with Clio of BoojeMedia! She’s a young entrepreneur doing ex-act-ly what I hope to do eventually! (Thanks for the advice/encouragement and orange juice Clio!)


If this outing wasn’t already fantastic – Clio suggested I take the seabus to Granville Island where I was meeting Faith instead of the bus… and what a wonderful idea it was! It was a beautiful day in Vancouver yesterday and the view of Yaletown from the water was incredible.

I still cannot believe I live here!

The rest of the afternoon consisted of veggie shopping at the Granville Market, lunch (turkey sandwich!), work and a nap! Whew – I’m still tired just thinking about it!

Last night ended with going to get my hair done at a cute salon on Granville St. called Caramel! When I was walking down Granville a few weeks a go a girl was walking around chatting to people and telling them to come see her to get their hair done (Yay street marketing!) So I decided if she was going to make that effort – I’m going to see her!


Thanks Amber-leigh I L-O-V-E what you’ve done with my hair!

I was totally craving some spicy thai food so Faith and I ordered in!

We got some lettuce wraps & I ordered a ginger chicken and veg dish (sans rice or noodles) and made lettuce wraps with both ingredients! Wahoo on the calorie cutting-solution!


As for today – emails, emails and more emails + lunch + Insanity and then out for dinner and a movie with Faith!

Have a great Friday everyone!


Filed under Personal Records

Sunshine, Alleyways and Vlogs – Oh My!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

I was ->thissssssss<- close to not posting tonight, but I couldn’t let my faithful readers (you) down! Today was non-stop from when I woke up at 8am until now at 11:30pm as I’m sitting here writing this post. I’ve got to admit though, this was probably the very best day I’ve had in Vancouver to date.

It all began on the right foot with a winning  combination of oats + sunshine + coffee. What does this equal you might ask?


I sent a whack of emails, made some important calls and finished everything in time (yes, all in a coffee shop!) to rush home and get ready for a photo shoot with Faith.

I don’t have any pictures to show you tonight because Faith has to sort and edit – BUT I do however have my first vlog for you all! (vlog =video-log)

(It’s a little blurry because I stepped out of focus – but you get the idea)

I’m so excited to show you the pictures – watch for a post tomorrow with them!

After we were done shooting we went for a latte and walked down around the Vancouver waterfront. Words cannot describe how beautiful looking across the harbour to North Vancouver is – You have got to see it for yourself! On another note – it was Vancouver’s 125th Birthday today! Happy Birthday Vancouver! In celebration there were lots of events and concerts going on down by the olympic cauldron and because it was so nice out – there were people ev-ery-where! I love hustle and bustle. As we were walking home I turned to Faith and said that it finally feels like we live here – I no longer feel like a visitor to the city.. I live here.

After we rushed home I had a quick snack of broccoli and hummus and we were off again downtown. I had a dinner meeting with a new social media contact, Jonathan, to discuss a few upcoming possibilities (thumbs up!) and his friend (my new contact!) Brad. We found this cute little Mexican restaurant that just opened and thought we’d try it out.

Each of our meals:

Jonathan’s, mine and Brad’s respectively. I had a Pallo Sope and a Mushroom Quesadilla! It was so tasty but I got a little knife happy and half of my quesadilla fell on the floor :(

Amanda -1/ floor +1 = Amanda fail.

We then headed to the Caprice Lounge on Granville St. for the Byzhub’s meet-up tonight which was all about utilizing Linkedin for business. The meetup entitled “Let’s learn about Linkedin!” featured a panel of professionals who use linked in on a regular basis and came to share their positive experience and knowledge with the group. Excellent place to meet some new contacts and learn about Linkedin all at the same time!

After it was over I met Faith at Blendz where she was editing and grabbed a quick refueling of coffee and a honey + nut + seed bar so I’d be able to power through Insanity 2.10 – Plyo Cardio Circuit when I got home.

When I looked at the clock and saw 9:15pm – I ALMOST said to myself – “you are too tired, you’ve had a long and exhausting day, you shouldn’t do your workout today” … but then I thought about how I would let myself and everyone down if I didn’t do it and read a quote from my wall of sticky-note-inspirational-quotes that said:

“When you are not feeling like working out – Remember how good it will feel after & during and WORK OUT!”

I held myself accountable and DUG DEEP!

I went and made myself a dinner with leftover tofu stir fry + one egg + 2 eggs whites with a side of salsa + goat cheese + 3 crackers to refuel.

Side note of the day:

I have to inform everyone that today was the first full day I made it through wearing a pair of pantyhose without ripping or causing them to run! Wahoo!
(This is a very difficult task as to me, as until now pantyhose seemed to be a one-time-use kind of accessory!)

Faith and I had a $1 bet that I couldn’t do it – and I did so I walked into my room tonight seeing this lovely note on my desk:

I taped this to my wall of quotes to keep as a reminder (yes the loonie too)!

This girl is once again, exhausted. Check back tomorrow for some shots from the photo shoot!

What did you think of the vlog?




Filed under Personal Records