Tag Archives: Lululemon Athletica

Goodbye, Hello.

Remember when I first moved here and my good friend Jill had given me a lululemon water bottle that was all about writing and holding yourself accountable for your goals?

Well funny thing: it was perfect timing to write down my most scary (however very achievable) goals. I had just decided that I was doing it. Packing up my life and heading across the country to chase and follow my dreams – and 10 months later here I am living them.

Goal #1: Move to Vancouver – massively huge check!

Now everyday (Yes, I use this water bottle every day. And yes, I wash it very regularly as well.) I look down at my goals sitting right in front of me terrified with the next one:

I will: run a 1/2 marathon by ____ 2012.

As 2012 is now upon us, I’ve been struggling with this goal because I have a love/hate relationship with distance running. I love how it makes me feel… but I’m not a huge fan of being alone in my head with my own thoughts for that long: I get bored. I’ve learned that I love interval training and sprinting… but I’ve yet to find a true love for distance running.

So you can probably see my predicament. This goal is mentally not going to be an easy one for me to achieve. But then again nothing in life worth achieving is easy right?

Let’s jump to last night at about 1:00am. I was laying in bed unable to sleep and I heard my phone buzz with a new e-mail message. I figure I might as well see what kind of spam message I’m getting now and click it to see this:

say hello:

layer up and go run you say?

It then hit me!

Say hello to the lululemon seawheeze: Yoga. Run. Party. Please meet the SeaWheeze™ (aka the most fun half-marathon in the world) taking place on August 11th, 2012 in our hometown of Vancouver BC. Come get sweaty with us on the beaches, seawalls and bridges – you might just have the best weekend of your life. We dare you.

Waitttt a second! luluelemon is holding its first ever 1/2 marathon. In Vancouver. In 2012. Through my neighbourhood… around Stanley Park… through the downtown streets… (incase you haven’t put this all together yet – refer back to the very first two pictures above)!

I’m sorry but if this isn’t a sign screaming at me to get my butt in gear – I don’t know what is! I have no idea how I’m going to do it, but I have 30 weeks as of this Saturday to make my half-marathon running plan and find a group to do it with. I figure if I’m going to run the most fun half-marathon in the world, I might as well go all out. If you are in the Vancouver area and have any ideas/suggestions/or maybe you want to train with me – please let me know!

I know I’m going to have to keep myself accountable along the way, so it looks like I’ll be blogging my way through this one. What are your major goals this year?

Ps. Stay tuned for my new goals of 2012… I’m just waiting for this to arrive:


Filed under Personal Records

Hire me lululemon: Volume 2

When I moved to Vancouver, I came with big dreams of working for a company that would allow me to keep pursuing my personal goals as well as helping achieve theirs. lululemon.

Moving here was probably one of the biggest and scariest things I’ve ever done. Even though I knew my best friend would be following me in a month’s time… I came here with two suitcases, a temporary place to live, zero contacts and big goals in my head. From that day a mere two months ago, I’ve met more connections than imaginable, sat through and turned down several job opportunities and have lucked into meeting amazing people who are helping me grow as a professional and a person.

Last month I saw a position posted for lululemon and knew that I had to apply. Even though I sent in my resume and asked all of you to support my initiative – I was too late.

This time, I stepped up my game 100 fold. The position I’m applying for is the Digital Innovation Intern. I knew I had to blow the lululemon team away and come up with a concept that demonstrated how creative, motivated and innovative I can be. The position I’m applying for is not only going to allow me to get my foot in the door, but to work on a game-changing project called “Make Your Mark.” I have no idea what goals they are trying to achieve, the angle they are aiming for or the strategy that is going to be involved, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and hit the streets with how I felt I could Make my Mark!

With the help of my best friend, we set out on the streets of Kitsilano asking random people“How will you Make your Mark on the World?” I was awed and inspired by the people we had the pleasure of meeting. Here are their amazing stories and my application to the Digital Innovation Internship for lululemon:

(Watch in 720p/HD for the best quality!)

In addition, please check out my first post about my dream to be hired by lululemon – Goal: To be hired by Lululemon where more than 50 personal contacts and friends left messages explaining how perfect I would be for the lululemon team. My Goals page which list my 1, 5 and 10 year health, personal and career goals. My Bucket List.

You can get to my resume here where you will find my contact information and work history. References will be available upon request.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application to the Digital Innovation Internship position and to all who have inspired and supported me to get to this place in my life. (Extra special thank you goes to my best friend, Faith Bowyer.)

I will Make my Mark on the World by inspiring others to set scary goals, passionately go after them, achieve them and set even bigger ones.

Either way, what ever the outcome will be, I have realized what I’m capable of achieving and I know that if selected,I will be an asset to the Digital Guest Experience team at lululemon athletica.

Sincerely, Amanda  Munro


Filed under Personal Records